Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day Three

Today was another catch up day. As students are nearing the end of their units we are in need of grades to post. We did a lot of testing today in math, social studies, science and AR. I could tell it was nearing the end of the week today. The students were getting more tired than normal and did not want to complete assignments in a timely manner. We did work through the majority of the assignments and have only a few left for tomorrow.

I spent a great deal of time completing my lesson plan. After I rested everything seemed to click. I am excited and concerned about my teaching tomorrow since I know going in the students are demonstrating the fatigue of a long week; even though this is a short week for them. I think the lesson will be fine either way. I am looking forward to it.

I had one student that got upset with me today. He wanted to play on the computer while the teacher was giving instruction for upcoming assignment. He got upset because I would not assist him in signing in so he could play brain pop. He stubbed up for a short period and did not want to participate in class when I called his name. I just let it go and before long he was participating without being called upon.

I do have to brag on my ST. He is teaching his 4th grade homonyms. A trick he told them to keep peek and peak straight in their mind was, if you take a peek at something you see it. The 'ee' clicked in their brains and I could see in their eyes they understood. I thought that was very clever.


The Lewis Family said...

Mom I'm really proud of you. I just wanted to let you know that. This has been a long time coming and a very hard road for you and I'm so proud of you for sticking with it. Reading about your adventures in teaching makes me want to be a teacher and, although I can't see the influence you have over these kids, I know you're doing a great job. You're an awesome mom, wife and now...teacher! You wear so many hats. I think I'll get you a hatrack for Christmas :). I love you!

Tanya said...

Thank you sweetheart, you were always one of my biggest fans. I love you guys.