Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday, Day nineteen

Today was a very mixed up day. It started out just fine. We worked with the third grade on their place value and operation recognition in math. They are beginning to understand. My ST and I discussed me taking on their language arts lessons. I am excited about that. I have to redo my unit so if I find something in that I may do it on language arts instead of the fourth grade math.

My ST and I also discussed what I could do for my leadership plan. The school has a wonderful after school program that most of the time I cannot participate. But there is one night I am guaranteed not to be scheduled to work. That is the night we have our chat session. This could work for me because the program only runs until 5 or 5:30 and our chat is not until 8. I had some ideas but I have to run them across the principal for approval and input. I enjoy using technology so I was debating about helping students create their own web pages, or getting the teachers web pages up and running, or the extracurricular activities the school provides have no web site either. There are lots of options there, I just need to speak to the principal and see what he thinks is best.

We did not get to anything with the fourth grade. The classroom teacher was called out of the school for something and we had to sit with the class for the rest of the day. It was too difficult to try to do what we wanted so we just followed her plans for the rest of the day. The students are reading "Tanya's Reunion" so we put it on tape and student's followed along. It was not so bad. I stayed in the back of the room helping the third graders with a social studies test. And that was all we got accomplished today.

1 comment:

Dr. Gibson said...

Tanya I am going to combine comments for two weeks since I am behind. I LOVED your comment, "There is a teachable moment everywhere you look." That does more to let me know you are a real teacher than anything else you write!! I love seeing you reflect and solve problems in this venue. Your score for both weeks is 12, 12.